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Reports > 2011 > August > Wednesday 24
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
By Dave Graybill
As forecast the water level at Banks Lake is dropping, at a rate of about a half a foot a day right now. Anglers and boaters that enjoy the lake aren’t out of business. There is a good launch at Coulee Playland at Electric City. It is being used now, and when the lake drops even lower there is an old pad that will be used to keep boaters on the water. I am eager to get up to Banks and get out on the water. I am hearing of being able to see structure that people fish over, but now is visible or out of the water. This is going to be a great opportunity to get the lay of the land and learn some areas. When the water comes back up, you’ll know where to find some great spots. People should take care. You will not be able to race around in areas of the lake as you have before. Sure, you can make you way from the top to the bottom of the lake, but be on the lookout for rocks and shoals that weren’t a problem before. One thing’s for sure; the fishing is going to be great. It will be easy to find the fish, that’s for sure.