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Reports > 2017 > August > Tuesday 22
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. A long time ago, I worked with a guy who was a jerk. There's no getting around it. It was all about him and not about anyone else. Oh, he wore his Christianity like it was a badge that put him in a good light, but it was completely superficial. While I was having a particularly rough stretch personally and was driving all I could afford, a beat up several tone yellow Ford Courier pickup truck that needed push-started more than I'd like to admit, this guy showed his true ugliness. My truck had stalled in a busy intersection in Wenatchee. I was just getting out to push on the door jam to get it out of the way and he slowed just enough to yell out, "Nice Truck!" and continued to zoom away. Several years later, he developed cancer and died. So you say karma is a b*$#&? I felt sorry for him and prayed for he and his family when I heard the news. Such is also the case for someone out there in the fishing world having a rough time. He has plenty of enemies, yet I pray. Until next time, Good Fishing!