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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2017 > October > Monday 30
Monday, October 30, 2017
By Dave Graybill
Have you checked the weather for this week? Man, I am going to get outdoors! It just doesn’t get any better and there are some great options for anglers. I have been on Rocky Ford, Fish Lake, near Lake Chelan, and Antilon Lake recently, and I would go back to all of these. They are catching kokanee on Lake Chelan, too, and you can bet I am going to give that a try. Imagine, fishing for whopper rainbow with your fly rod on Rocky Ford, or paddling around on Antilon catching brown trout—in the sunshine in October! As most you know spending a day on Lake Chelan in the fall is hard to beat, and being able to catch kokanee right now is so cool! You another great place to be trolling right now is Omak Lake. It is such a beautiful place and on a clear and calm sunny day in the fall, catching big cutthroat here is a blast. There is another place I would like to go that I haven’t tried since last fall is Rufus Woods. Mike McKee and I had a wonderful time catching triploids and even walleye up there. Man, the list goes on and on. Take advantage of this weather and get out on the water. Winter is just around the corner.