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Reports > 2020 > March > Thursday 19
Thursday, March 19, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I am the sports guy at our little TV station in Wenatchee. Of course, there's nothing going on the in sports world, so I went fishing Tuesday. I arrived at the Mill Bay launch at 7 to find some heavy equipment and barricades up. They're working on some improvements, but you can still launch. I ran up above the yacht club and began fishing off what I call the red brick road. There's a house along the northern shoreline that has a very steep, red, brick-looking driveway. I started trolling down lake in 280-feet of water with my downriggers set at 60 and 70 feet. I trolled by another boat that had been there longer than I and he said they caught three down at around 100-feet. So down I went and the game was on! I trolled down to what I call the castle, another home with expansive rockery around it, and didn't make a single pass without a hit. Three times I had doubles on. The Bubble Gum Tail Feather blade from Kokabow and a Paulina Peak Tackle Pink UV Glow Micro Hoochie were the trick. I had 10 kokanee in 2-hours. Until next time, Good Fishing!