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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > June > Tthursday 24
Thursday, June 24, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. If you're like me, this is about the time I start opening my browser and look at the dam counts to how we're doing on Summer Chinook and Sockeye returns up the Columbia River. I've seen a lot of folks asking on various forums about whether or not the Upper Columbia will open as scheduled on July 1st. The answer is yes, but. The big but has everything to do with numbers. The guess is that the Department of Fish and Wildlife will close it for Sockeye or keep it very limited to see if more show up. As of this morning, the year-to-date count on Sockeye at Bonneville is 30,446. The forecast is for 155,600, which is less than half of last year's return. As far as the Chinook counts, the adult count this morning at Bonneville is 36,896. The forecast is for 78,800, which would exceed last year's run. To keep track yourself, go to and click on the daily passage report. It can be encouraging but also drive you crazy. Also, best to check with the Fish and Wildlife's website for the latest. Until next time, Good Fishing!