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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2023 > March > Tuesday 21
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Dave reached out to me Sunday and asked if I'd like to go fishing with he and his buddy Rollie Schmitten at Rufus Wood Reservoir Monday and Tuesday. I jumped at the opportunity. I met Dave and Rollie on the north end of Wenatchee at 7:30 and we were off. It had been since the sockeye fishery on Lake Wenatchee last August that I'd seen Rollie, so it was nice to catch up. We rolled into the Colville Net Pen Launch at a little after 10 o'clock. We launched and headed over to the nearby net pens where Dave put the boat's bowmount on "anchor mode" below the pens. Three casts in and I had a beautiful fish on. Rollie landed it and we estimated it to be around 5 or 6 pounds. We were using olive-colored jigs with a little Maribou flash. On my sixth cast, I hooked up again and knew right away it was a big fish. Rollie netted it and we guessed the triploid to be at least 20-pounds. It was 30-inches long and 22-inches around the girth. By far my biggest trout ever. Until next time, Good Fishing!