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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > August > Friday 09
Friday, August 9, 2024
By Dave Graybill
I have a very disappointed neighbor. Calder Fiske, who was planning to have a Kids Fishing Derby at Blackbird Island Pond in Leavenworth, is canceling the event. Calder told me he went down to the pond on a calm day last week, when he could take a good look for fish. He didn’t see a single trout. Rather than go ahead and have no fish caught, he is going to change his plans for a Kids Fishing Derby to next spring. The WDFW always plants a bunch of catchable size trout in Blackbird Island Pond for kids to catch through the spring and summer. He will have his derby then, when the pond is full of hungry fish. He is sorry for the delay. He had already received the medals he ordered for the winners and was about to put up the posters for the event. We both agreed that it is better to wait. So, look for the announcement sometime next spring for Calder’s Just for Kids Fishing Derby at Blackbird Island Pond in Leavenworth. He will have time to round up a bunch of prizes to award to the winners in addition to the medals he already has on hand.