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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > August > Thursday 01
Thursday, August 1, 2024
By Dave Graybill
When Valley Tractor got into the boating business back in the late 90s. Buell Hawkins met with me and said that he wanted me to represent their line of Smoker Craft boats. He told me that he would give me a new boat every year, and that I had to take him fishing for the rest of his life. It turned out to be a great deal for both of us. Valley Tractor sold boats and Buell and I have become lifelong friends. I made good on my part of the deal on Wednesday, when I took Buell and his grandson fishing on Lake Wenatchee. Luke was very excited and said that if he caught one salmon it would be a great day. He got his wish right off the bat. After we got our lines out he cranked in a fish, and while Buell was netting it, two other rods went off. Somehow we managed to get all three fish in the boat and into the cooler. We had a great morning of fishing and caught some really big sockeye. We all agreed to fishing until 9 ‘o clock, so we could have breakfast at the Squirrel Tree. I sent them home with seven sockeye and some great memories of the day.