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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > August > Tuesday 13
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
By Dave Graybill
What an incredible sockeye season! Over 755,000 entered the Columbia River, according to the counts at Bonneville Dam. As you know, most of these traveled up Columbia River and on into Canada. Anglers who fish the Brewster Pool have been cashing in on the abundance of sockeye and continue to do so. I plan to make one last trip the Brewster Pool this week, to try to get a few of these Columbia River fish. I took a look at the reader board at Tumwater Dam recently, and it had posted over 166,000 sockeye passing through on their way to Lake Wenatchee and then onto the spawning beds in the White River. According to the Chelan PUD, it was over 168,000. I will make a couple more trips and then move my boat back home. The quality of the fish has held up amazingly well this season, and I want to take advantage of this. Nothing like having freezer full of sockeye for the table and for the smoker. I had a ton of fun fishing on the Lake Wenatchee this season and was able to take many members of my family out. We have some great memories from these trips.