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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2025 > January > Friday 17
Friday, January 17, 2025
By Dave Graybill
I have a couple of cancellations that you’ll want to know about. The first is the closure of the steelhead season on the upper Columbia River and the Methow River. Anglers in the region were thrilled when the season was announced to be open for the first time in nine years. No one knew how long it would last. It will end one hour after sunset on Monday, January 20th. Reason for the closure is that the allowable incidental take (mortality) of wild steelhead will be at or near the maximum limit by that date. Also, hook and line hatchery broodstock collection efforts of wild steelhead will begin in February. This break in pressure increases the likelihood of meeting the broodstock collection goal in the timeframe needed. I hope those who were able to get out after steelhead had success, and I sure hope that the trend for better returns continues. Maybe we will see even more fish coming to our region and we have an even longer season next year! The other cancellation is for the annual Central Washington Sportsmen show. The new ownership couldn’t make it work. The Tri-Cities Show is still one for January 24th through the 26th.