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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2012 > January > Wednesday 25
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
By Dave Graybill
There were some other derbies announced at the recent meeting of the CCA in Wenatchee. The very popular Budweiser/Lowrance King Salmon Derby in Brewster will be held on August 3rd through the 5th this summer. The big fish prize will be $1,500.00 for adults and $500.00 in the 14 and under division. Brewster derby tickets are available now and you can get tickets through the Brewster Chamber right now, and they will be available on line soon. The cost of a ticket is $25.00. There will be a new “Trippin’ with the Triploids” derby on Rufus Woods Reservoir on May 12th. The top prize in this tagged trout derby will be my Jetcraft boat, valued at over $40,000.00! Tickets are $40.00 and include a t-shirt and a BBQ dinner at the awards ceremony. You can get more details by calling Dave or Nancine in Bridgeport at 509-449-3542. Another tagged trout derby that is held in the spring by the Quincy Valley Tourism Association is planned for March 3rd at Burke and Quincy lakes. The QVTA did an excellent job with this one last year and everyone is looking for to this spring’s event. Tagged trout in this derby could win the lucky angler up to $3,000.00 in cash! Details on this one will be available through my web site very soon.