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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2019 > December > Tuesday 31
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. It was a year ago that I sat behind my computer, searching for a boat. By the end of January, Marion and I were lucky enough to have found one and retrieving it from Kettle Falls to bring home. Boy did we have some adventures on it this past year. So while I didn't verbally commit to a resolution last year, I guess I quietly did so by resolving to do more fishing. And while we've had a pretty mile winter so far on the snow fall front, the weather will hopefully hold out a little more to get up to Lake Roosevelt and chase around some big, fat Kokanee. I saw a video posted yesterday on Facebook from Austin Moser that he was doing very well, just yesterday. It reminded me of a trip a few years ago that Dave and I took on Roosevelt with Austin with the cameras rolling. You can find the show if you head to our website at, or for our Facebook followers, I've posted a link to the video you can watch on YouTube. Let's all resolve to do some more fishing in 2020! Until next time, Good Fishing!