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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2023 > December > Wednesday 20
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
By Dave Graybill
I often about my shore fishing experiences. The winter is when I do most of it, as there are some really good opportunities that don’t require a boat. Pulling a boat around in the winter can be difficult. Road conditions can be bad, and towing makes navigating in snow and ice hair raising. The stuff they put down on the roads is tough on boats, too. It etches the aluminum and eats the wiring. I can still have a ton of fun in the winter, catching a variety of fish from the shore. The trout fishing is very good on Lake Roosevelt and Rufus Woods Reservoir. I had a blast the other day catching perch from the shore on Moses Lake. A shore fishery that is gaining in popularity is for whitefish on Banks Lake. I’ve been told that whitefish make up fifty percent of the bio mass in Banks, so there’s no shortage of them. Right now people fish from the dike at the very top end of the lake. They simply cast with a weigh on the bottom and a couple of small hooks baited with “salad” shrimp. These fish are commonly 3 pounds. They are great just fried or smoked.