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Reports > 2011 > February > Friday 18
Friday, February 18, 2011
By Dave Graybill
Things are looking up for anglers fishing for steelhead on the Wenatchee River. Although the water level is still pretty high for this time of year, there are some anglers catching some fish. I ran into Jeff Stroup, who keeps tabs on the numbers of hatchery fish caught and wild fish released for the Department of Fish and Wildlife the other day, and he said that there are finally some people out on the Wenatchee and some of them are doing alright. One boat, that floated the lower river wound up with four keeps at the end of the day, and Jeff Stroup and his father Bob hooked five and landed four, including one keep on a recent outing. I also caught up with Shane Magnuson by phone over last weekend. When he answered he was on the river. He had picked up one steelhead drift fishing, and his friend Amanda had landed one on a bobber. The Wenatchee is running at about twice the cubic feet per second than is typical for this time of year. Good news for anglers that have been fishing the mouth of the Entiat. The water temperature has warmed significantly, so the steelhead fishing should improve there now.