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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2019 > December > Tuesday 24
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Ah Christmas Eve! It's a time for family, tradition, presents and the wonder in a child's eye about believing in something you can't see. Of course I'm referring to the jolly old elf, Santa Claus. Which is not-too different from the Christian foundations of Christmas in the celebration of the birth of the Christ child. Don't worry, I won't get "churchy" here. But there's something familiar about this whole believing in something you can't see when it comes to fishing too. Yes, we've developed technology to make us believe we can see fish under water, but do you really believe it? We blindly cast fate, or a lure or bait in this case, into the water hoping there's something there. We say little prayers to the fish gods that they'll show us a sign by watching the rod tip for a little tug or a bounce. And what to our wondrous eyes should appear but a fish, wiggling and squirming with life that will offer sustenance for our body and soul. That incredible crescendo of belief in an existence of a life force we cannot see. Merry Christmas to all and, until next time, Good Fishing!