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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > June > Monday 28
Monday, June 28, 2021
By Dave Graybill
Salmon season opens on the upper Columbia on July 1st in our local region, and many anglers start their season in the Wenatchee area. Popular spots are off Walla Walla Point Park and below Rocky Reach Dam. This is a high water year, and Chelan County PUD has come up with a handy tool to let anglers know what they are up against in terms of river flows. It is the Currents App and you can download it for free to get current river conditions. To get this on your smart phone, visit my web site at and click on the App graphic on the right hand side of the Home Page. Also, anglers who fish below Rocky Reach Dam should be aware of the safety areas where they are allowed to troll for salmon. I have put a photo of the fishing barrier area on my Fishing Facebook Page so everyone can see it. It is particularly important this year with the high water conditions below both Rock Island and Rocky Reach dams to know how much water is moving down the Columbia River. What you learn may determine where and when you want to fish for salmon this early season.
This graphic shows the safe areas to fish below Rocky Reach Dam.