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Reports > 2021 > July > Thursday 08
Thursday, July 8, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Happy Anniversary to my incredible wife Marion. I am so incredibly lucky to have found you late in my life where I'm finally in a place where I know me, I've calmed down, and decided on the things that are important. Marion and I met on a boat ramp in Anacortes. We were married on that very boat ramp 3-years ago. In fact, Marion's son Trent officiated the event. I wrote our vows and we stuck them in the pages of a Cabela's advertiser. Marion is always up for an adventure and loves to camp and fish and enjoy the great outdoors. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect match. She asks me sometimes where I was 20-years go or more so we could have spent more time together. I tell her that we had to go our routes and live our lives to find each other now, not then. Had we met then, she wouldn't have liked me much. I look back and I don't like me much for who I was. But now, I like me and I love us. Here's to our next M.E. Adventure! Until next time, Good Fishing!