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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > February > Tuesday 23
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Yogi Berra was probably credited for more things he didn't say than he actually said. One that I heard was in reference to a very busy restaurant that was hard to get in. Yogi said, "That place is so busy, nobody goes there!" That might be the case for Fish Lake on the weekends these days. I talked with several people who tried to do some weekend ice fishing up at Fish Lake, only to find no place to park. With the snow stacked up on the sides of the road, there's limited parking there to begin with. Add the popularity of a frozen lake filled with biting perch and a weekend chance to make the trip, and you have a lot of people vying for those few parking spots. Although the whole conversation may be mute after the warming temperatures and rains over the past few days. I'm also hearing that folks like Austin Moser are still whacking the big triploids up at Rufus Woods Reservoir. For those on our Facebook page, you can see Austin holding a lunker he caught recently. Brave the crowds and I hope you find a place to park. Until next time, Good Fishing!