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Reports > 2019 > August > Thursday 15
Thursday, August 15, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I'm not sure what to think about today being my 51st birthday. I really don't. I have a few people in my world who want to celebrate but I don't really feel like it. I'm sure it has to do somewhat with the fact I'm 51, I'm tired, stressed, and it's just a Thursday. Plus, I'm no kid anymore. I've had some good parties back in the day. 10 was awesome! 21 was pretty good. Even 40 and 50 were very nice. But 51? Meh! I'd rather focus on getting my work done, doing some yard work, and finishing off the week. And maybe that's just it. By the time you pass the half-century mark, it's not about YOU anymore. It becomes about everything and everyone else. So maybe that, in itself, is worth celebrating. I had all the answers in my early 20's. I found out I knew nothing in my 30's. I began to finally feel like I had things figured out in my 40's. And now in my 50's I'm learning all over again. Especially these strange sounds coming out of my mouth as I simply try to stand up. Until next time, Good Fishing!