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Reports > 2019 > August > Tuesday 27
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Marion and I had a rare moment last night to sit on the couch and flip on the TV. As we scanned the channel guide, she coaxed me to click on the MTV Video Music Awards. The opening act was in recognition of a female rapper I'd never heard of. I sat, jaw agape, watching what I was sure was going to give me nightmares as these long-haired dancers gyrated on screen and suddenly lost their hair, looking like space aliens. I couldn't help but utter aloud, "I am completely out of touch...I have no idea who these people are...and I'm OK with that!" I was actually trying to find something outdoors-ish to watch, but my cable bill doesn't extend that far. The Labor Day weekend is upon us and Marion and I will head to southwest Washington to do some camping near Matlock. It's an annual pilgrimage for us to gather with friends to lament summer's end and exult the beginning of fall. Mostly it's an excuse to drink adult beverages and talk hunting and football and whether the Seahawks will make the playoffs around a campfire. MUCH better than watching MTV! Until next time, Good Fishing!