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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > April > Thursday 25
Thursday, April 25, 2024
By Dave Graybill
The fourth Saturday in April is probably the biggest fishing day of the year in Washington State. Hundreds of thousands of anglers take part in the annual opening of the lowland lake trout fishing season. Millions of trout have been planted in the lakes across the state to assure these anglers have a good time catching fish. Many local communities have informal derbies on opening day. I know that there is one on Wapato Lake and another at Conconully to name just a couple of them. Also, the WDFW has a statewide Trout Derby from April 27th through October 31st. If you catch a trout with a yellow tag it is worth a prize. You need to keep the tag as you will need to provide the number, name of the lake you caught the trout in, the date it was caught and your contact information. When it is confirmed you can go to a local business to claim your prize. It’s just that easy. You can go to the WDFW website to get more details, including a list of lakes that have tagged trout in them. Thousands of prizes are given out every year. It’s fun and it’s free.