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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > April > Wednesday 03
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
By Dave Graybill
As many of you know, I am a big fan of fishing on the Colville Reservation lakes. The Colville Tribe plants fish in Rufus Woods, Buffalo, Omak, and Twin lakes every year, and some of them are real whoppers. The tribe has already planted over 16,000 trout in Rufus Woods and will release an additional 30,000, averaging two pounds, in April and May. Twin lakes will be planted with 7,500 trout averaging 1.5 pounds in April and get 600 rainbow that average 7 pounds the same month. Twin Lakes also offers terrific fishing for largemouth bass. Buffalo Lake will receive a plant of 2,000 rainbow averaging 1.5 pounds in April and 600 trout that will weigh 7 pounds in April and May. Buffalo Lake also has very good numbers of kokanee and a crawfish season from July 1st through September 15th, and they are of exceptional size. Rufus Woods Lake produces triploid rainbow that can exceed 20 pounds and the state record from Rufus is 29.6 pounds. The state record for Lahontan cutthroat is from Omak Lake. It weighed 18.4 pounds. According to a source at the Colville Hatchery a fish that would have been the new state record was measured and released last year.