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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > April > Wednesday 24
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
By Dave Graybill
When I was at the Rock Island Free Kids Fishing Day, I visited with Travis Maitland, area biologist for the WDFW. I mentioned that I got a photo from Joe Zelinski of a nice catch of kokanee that the pair had made on Lake Chelan. Travis said that they had made a couple of trips. The first time they tried the area across from 25 Mile Creek State Park. Here they had good success on fish that were mostly 11 to close to 14 inches. On the next trip they found very good numbers of kokanee in the lower basin. They fished off Chelan Shores and here the fish were bigger. They caught some 15- and even 16-inch kokanee. He said this is very exciting and that makes him wonder just how big the fish will be later this spring. The were all very fat and obviously heavily feeding. He and Joe tried a variety of gear and colors and on the last trip found that pink hoochies worked the best. They also were using the small artificial grubs instead of corn, that were scented with Graybills Guide Formula in the Kokanee flavor. I am very eager to get out there!