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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2024 > April > Tuesday 23
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
By Dave Graybill
The Annual Rock Island Free Kids Fishing Day took place last Saturday, and once again was very well attended. The shore line of the Pit Pond, which is a Juvenile Only lake, was lined with families casting for trout that had been recently planted by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The event has been going on for over twenty years and is supported by the City of Rock Island. Every year a group of volunteers sets up a cook shack and hands out free donuts and coffee in the morning and then free hot dogs, chips, and soft drinks in the afternoon. I judge the attendance by the number of hot dogs that are served, and this year it was 500! Also on hand are members of the Wenatchee Sportsman’s Association. They have loaner rods and reels and tackle and bait to help the youngsters catch fish. If you missed this free event mark your calendar for the third Saturday in April for next year’s Free Kids Day. Another popular Juvenile Only fishing lake is Franks Pond at the Beebe Springs Wildlife Unit, near Lake Chelan. It is also stocked every year with trout for kids to catch.