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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2017 > December > Tuesday 05
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Imagine a world in which our only avenue to fish is for trout or spiny rays. Imagine a time where fishing for salmon and steelhead is purely a memory, and nothing we can do anymore. I hate to even think it, or consider it, but with the continued reports of diminishing returns of salmon and steelhead to Pacific Northwest waters, it is a nightmare becoming real. I've been watching closely the reports published by Mark Yuasa in his Pacific Northwest Fishing and Outdoors page on Facebook. And it's ugly. Well, depending on your perspective. Reportedly, salmon fishing experienced the lowest angling days by fisherman in 10-years. Some say that's because of poor salmon run returns. Others say it's because of the lack of opportunity provided by fish managers to go after fish. Either way, we're talking about a chicken and egg thing. Speaking of eggs, seems we're really good these days on "wild" salmon and steelhead production but not so much on hatchery stocks. Of course, that opens up the whole argument on clipped or not clipped fish. Either way, if numbers continue, we'll only be able to fish trout. Until next time, Good Fishing!